Tags: Mercedes, GLA45, AMG, centre silencer delete pipe, res delete,
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After receiving demand from clients looking to release sound from their AMG GLA45 without necessarily purchasing a full cat-back system we have developed a non-droning 3.0 " centre silencer delete pipe.
We bring your attention to the non-droning point, because, considering normally that the removal of silencers and resonators may introduce Unwanted Sounds And Frequencies (AKA Drone) into the passenger compartment, a compromise is sometimes required in order to achieve greater sound output from the stock exhaust system, and without the anti-drone incorporated into the pipe there is a significant amount of unwanted and unpleasant noise present when the engine is loaded up and experiences kick down at 4000rpm.
However, we are pleased to confirm that we have detected none of these said 'USAF's, after installing our centre delete pipe, which means there is no downside to performing this modification.
Our solution, therefore, provides a sensible whilst uplifted sound when cruising or driving at low output levels, and then far greater levels of sound when the car is being driven more aggressively.
The centre silencer delete on its own will not add any more power, however, the pipe can be purchased with the Powervalve downpipe and 100/200 cell cat, providing even greater levels of drone free power and sound upgrades.