Tags: BMW, Z4M, Z4 Coupe, Z4 Roadster
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The BCS Valveless rear exhaust silencer set for the BMW Z4M provides you with a perfectly balanced sports tone both externally and internally above the stock exhaust note.
When the car is running off load (Cruising and driving sedately), the sound is sporty in nature and clearly uplifted above the stock exhaust sound. However, as soon as you start to drive more aggressively everything changes and the BCS silencers reveal their true nature, an unmatched sports tone with zero drone in car for the perfect driving experience.
Free revving in an aggressive manner will reveal the full potential of the 3.0 straight-six as the efficient element of the silencer is bypassed and will continue whilst the car is being driven in this manner (roads permitting) until you ease off, whereupon the exhaust note will return to a more understated tone.
The BCS design offers a unique perspective on exhaust technology, providing the driver with the option of two distinct natures. When the car is pottering around or cruising the sound is at once uplifted and noticeable but yet controlled and non-intrusive. However, once the car is driven aggressively and produces a key level of engine load everything changes and the sound becomes purposeful and redefined reflecting the true essence of the Z4M. All of which is under the complete control of your right foot, therefore, you determine the sound minute to minute depending on your particular driving requirements. By using this unique interaction, the driver ceases to become desensitized in the way you would with a non-variable sound, leaving you looking for more time behind the wheel...