Tags: audi, turbo back system, tfsi, trim, road legal cat, RS3, RS3 8V FL, RS3 8V Facelift, TTRS, TTRS8s
Due to the uniqueness of our products and the way in which they are manufactured, there may at times be a production delay of up to 4 weeks from the initial purchase date.
If you would prefer to pay a deposit at this stage please contact us for details on how to arrange that as an alternative, with the balance payable on the shipping date.
The Powervalve road-legal 100/200 cell cat is the ideal hardware upgrade when considering a power increase on the 2.5 TFSi engine. In addition, you will notice an audible uplift in the sound, producing a nice sporty tone in the vehicle under acceleration.
The Powervalve downpipe and 100/200 cell cat come with a connecting pipe (which deletes the secondary cats) to allow you to connect to the OEM cat-back system with the minimum of fuss.
If you decide to upgrade to the full turbo-back system at a later stage then the installation is made possible with a minimum of fuss.
The dimensions employed on our unique cat will allow a gas flow equivalent to a cat delete pipe whilst remaining completely MOT and road legal.
The Data supporting the product is shown below
Original Equipment Cat
Description Limits Actual Value
Fast Idle Test
Natural Idle Test
Powervalve 100 Cell Cat
Fast Idle Test
Natural Idle Test
The primary use for the Powervalve 100/200 cell cat is a public road or track.
As with virtually all of the TFSi / TSi engined vehicles, there is very little performance gain to be had from the cat-back system on its own, due to the incredibly restrictive downpipe and twin OEM cats. However, by opting for our unique downpipe and high flow cat which has a pipe configuration of 100mm into 90m, the power potential will massively increase, firstly with an initial 22bhp kinetic, and then once mapped all the way up to a stage 3 and beyond, with figures in excess of 600 bhp achievable (along with suitable hardware...).
The fitting time for this product is 4.5 hours
Please ensure when you install our downpipe that the mounting bracket is positioned as shown in the image below.